FALSTAFF / a comic opera / in two acts / by S. M. Maggioni / the music by M. W. Balfe / as represented / at Her Majesty's theatre / Haymarket, july 1838

ed. London, T. Brettel 1838; 18x10,8; pp. 83 atti 2 ill. front.

teatro Londra, Haymarket, 19 luglio 1838

libr. Maggioni Manfredo S. mus. Balfe Michael William

pers. 1. Sir John Falstaff 2. Charles Fenton 3. Mr. Ford 4. Mr. Page 5. George servant to Falstaff 6. Robin servant at the inn 7. Mrs. Ford 8. Mrs. Page 9. Miss Annette Page 10. Mrs. Quickly servant to Mr. Ford — Servants, foresters, peasants int. Lablache (1), Rubini (2), Tamburini (3), Morelli (4), Galli (5), Salabert (6), Grisi (7), Caremoli (8), Albertazzi (9), Castelli (10)

oss. [R.] Iª rappr. ass. Testo italiano e inglese (in prosa) a fronte.  Iª ed. ass.  A p. 2: «The whole of the music and various arrangements of the same by Callcott, Burrowes, Herz, Bochsa, Moscheles and Dohler will be published by Cramer, Addison and Beale»; a p. 3 avvertenza di Maggioni, in data 19 luglio 1838: soggetto tratto da The merry wives of Windsor di Shakespeare.