ID 7333
biblioteca I-VgcFondo Rolandi RISTAMPE VEDRI I DUE FOSCARI

[I DUE FOSCARI] The Operatic Library / No. XXXIII / I DUE FOSCARI / The two Foscari / a serious opera / in three acts / the music by Verdi

edizione New YorkDouglas1848
formato 19,1x11,3; pp. 45
parti atti 3
rappresentazione s. l.s. a.
libretto [Francesco Maria Piave]
musica Giuseppe Verdi
personaggi e interpreti
Francisco Foscari doge of VeniceCesar Badiali
Jacopo Foscari son to the dogeLorini
Loredano one of the Council of TenCandi
Barbarigo a senatorFrederico Badiali
Lucretia wife to JacopoBossio
Pisana friend and confidant of LucretiaBellini
Officer of the Council of TenMartinelli
Page to the doge 
Officers of the Council of Ten, servants of the doge, chorus, members of the Council of Ten, servants of Lucretia, venetian ladies, populace and masks of both sexes, messenger of the Council of Ten, two sons of Jacopo Foscari, guards, jailors, gondoliers, sailoirs, populace, masks, pages of the doge 

[R.] Ia rappr. Roma , Argentina, 1844. Testo italiano e inglese a fronte. Ia ed. in R. Alle pp. 4-5 Argument. Errata la numerazione delle scene.