THE TRAVELLERS or MUSIC'S FASCINATION / an operatic drama / in five acts / as performed / at the / theatre royal Drury Lane / by A. Cherry / of the theatre royal Drury Lane / author of The soldier's daughter etc. / the music composed by Mr. Corri / the second edition

ed. London, Richard Phillips 1806; tip. W. Lewis; 21x13; pp. 8 n.n.+82 atti 5+prologo

teatro Londra, Drury Lane, 1806 [22 gennaio] MAN

libr. Cherry Andrew, Johnstone [John] GROVE1 mus. Corri Domenico, Johnstone [John] GROVE1

pers. 1. Zaphimiri prince of China, 2. Koyan his friend and companion, 3. O'Gallagher, 4. Mindora, 5. Celinda, the travellers — Pages; I atto: 6. The emperor, 7. Chief mandarin, 8. Delvo an old gardener, characters in China — Mandarins, soldiers, gardeners; II atto: 9. The grand visier, 10. Chief aga of the janizaries, 11. Bel Ali, 12. Morad, 13. Selim, 14. Parazade, 15. Safie, 16. Principal dancer, charatcers [sic] in Turkey — Ladies, janizaries, dancers, servants; III e IV atto: 17. Th duke Posilipo, 18. Sanguini, 19. Calvetti, 20. Barnini, 21. Toledo, 22. Beggar boy, 23.-24. Pedlar boys, 25. Jacomo, 26. The marchioness Merida, characters in Italy — Lazzaroni, men, women; V atto: 27. Admiral Lord Hawser, 28. Ben Buntline, characters in England — Sailors, lads, lasses int. Elliston (1), Braham (2), Johnstone (3), Powell (4), Mountain (5), Powell (6), Maddocks (7, 19), Mathews (8), Bartley (9), Dignum (10), Cooke (11), Fisher (12), Evans (13), Mathews (14), Bland (15), Sharp (16), Holland (17), Male (18), Webb (20), Gibbon (21), Hudson (22), Moss (23), Jones (24), Sparkes (25), Storace (26), Dowton (27), Bannister (28)

scen. Greenwood, Graham macch. Johnstone

oss. [R.] Iª rappr. ass. Testo con prosa.  Di Johnstone (parole e musica; v. nota a p. 55) è a. O what a dainty fine thing is the girl I love (III 2). Alle pp. 3-6 n.n. Preface di Cherry, datato gennaio 1806 (da cui si desumono gli scenografi e il macchinista); a p. 6 n.n. avvertenza: «From the construction of this piece it was indispensably necessary that the songs, etc should bear the characteristic melody of the various nations; the musical subject therefore in many instances was composed before the words were written; consequently the author was often confined to a syllable, and frequently to the emphasising of a single letter [...]». Il prologo è recitato da Bartley. ling. cin. (I 1), it. (III 1)