ZARA / a tragedy / in five acts / by Aaron Hill, Esq. // A COMIC CHORUS or INTERLUDES / designed to be sung between the acts of / Zara

ed. London, Jones 1826; 21,5x14; pp. 4 n.n.+IV+813-1624 (832-849) atti 5

libr. Hill Aaron mus. [Arne Thomas Augustine] GROVE

pers. tragedia: 1. Osman sultan of Jerusalem 2. Lusignan last of the blood of the christian kings of Jerusalem 3. Nerestan, 4. Chatillon, French officers 5. Orasmin minister to the sultan 6. Melidor an officer of the seraglio 7. Zara, 8. Selima, slaves to the sultan; intermezzi: 9. She 10. He int. Clive (9), Beard (10)

oss. [R.] Sta in The British drama, II.  Iª rappr. Londra, Drury Lane, 12 gennaio 1736 (GROVE). Il Comic chorus si compone di un prologo e 4 interludes. Soggetto tratto da Voltaire.